Pick 4 Games Possible Numbers with Sum of 34

Pick 4 Games Possible Numbers with Sum of 34
In Pick 4 games, The sums of winning numbers range from 0 to 36. There are 10 possible numbers with the sum of 34, which accounts for 0.1% of all the possible 10000 numbers of Pick 4 game.

Scroll down this page right below the chart, it is a list of all possible number(s) with the sum of 34.

This below chart shows all sums of Pick 4 games and how many possible numbers of each sum. Click on the chart to see all the possible numbers and the correspoinding percentage of the sum.

Pick 4 Game All Sums and Possible Numbers/Percentage
Rank# of Possible NumbersPct
019 10.01%
118 40.04%
217 100.1%
316 200.2%
415 350.35%
514 560.56%
613 840.84%
712 1201.2%
811 1651.65%
910 2202.2%
109 2822.82%
118 3483.48%
127 4154.15%
136 4804.8%
145 5405.4%
154 5925.92%
163 6336.33%
172 6606.6%
181 6706.7%
192 6606.6%
203 6336.33%
214 5925.92%
225 5405.4%
236 4804.8%
247 4154.15%
258 3483.48%
269 2822.82%
2710 2202.2%
2811 1651.65%
2912 1201.2%
3013 840.84%
3114 560.56%
3215 350.35%
3316 200.2%
3417 100.1%
3518 40.04%
3619 10.01%

All possible number(s) with the sum of 34:


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