New York(NY) Sweet Million Prize Analysis for Wed Dec 07, 2022
Updated: Thursday, December 8th, 2022 07:06 PM The estimated jackpot for Sweet Million on Wed Dec 07, 2022 is $0.06 million. The cash option is $0 million. The Sweet Million prize analysis tells you how much you would get after state, local and federal tax withholdings. As legally required by the state of New York, taxes are withheld on lottery winnings of 600USD or more. For prizes greater than 5,000USD, US citizens and resident aliens having a social security number have their prizes reduced with 25%, which represents the federal taxes. The New York state tax rate for lottery winning sits at 8.82%, with New York City withholding 3.876% and Yonkers withholding 1.323%. For more information on taxes for lottery winnings in the state of New York, click here.
- For the Cash Option in the amount of $0 million, the federal tax that must be withheld is $0.00, while the state tax is $0.00. After all the taxes are paid, the winner gets a net lump-sum payment of $0.00.
- For the Annuity option in the amount of $0.06 million, the winner gets paid in 30 annual payments in the average amount of $2,000.00 per year. The average federal tax liability is $500.00 per year. The average state tax liability is $176.40 yearly. The average net lump-sum payment after tax withholding is going to be $1,323.60 per year. Please Note: Powerball annuity payments are NOT allocated evenly by years. The payments increase annually in a 30 year period. Please see below for the detailed payment schedule.
- Residents of New York City and Yonkers are subject to extra local tax liabilities.
For detailed information on Powerball Lottery Winning Taxes and Prizes Analysis, see the data listed below.
New York(NY) Sweet Million Prize Analysis for Wed Dec 07, 2022 |
Wed Dec 07, 2022
Jackpot: $0.06 Million
Cash: $0 Million
Cash Option - $0 Million |
Gross Cash Payment | 25% Federal Withholding | 8.82% State Withholding | Lump-Sum Net Payment | $0.00 | -$0.00 | -$0.00 | $0.00 |
New York City Resident
3.876% Local Tax Withholding
Lump-Sum Net Payment
Yonkers Resident
1.323% Local Tax Withholding
Lump-Sum Net Payment
Annuity - $0.06 Million in 30 Annual Payments |
Yr |
Annual Gross Payment |
25% Federal Withholding |
8.82% State Withholding |
Annual Net Payment |
New York City -3.876% Tax Annual Net Payment |
Yonkers -1.323% Tax Annual Net Payment |
1 | $1,069.81 | -$267.45 | -$94.36 | $708.00 | -$41.47 $666.53 | -$14.15 $693.84 | 2 | $1,112.60 | -$278.15 | -$98.13 | $736.32 | -$43.12 $693.19 | -$14.72 $721.60 | 3 | $1,157.10 | -$289.28 | -$102.06 | $765.77 | -$44.85 $720.92 | -$15.31 $750.46 | 4 | $1,203.39 | -$300.85 | -$106.14 | $796.40 | -$46.64 $749.76 | -$15.92 $780.48 | 5 | $1,251.52 | -$312.88 | -$110.38 | $828.26 | -$48.51 $779.75 | -$16.56 $811.70 | 6 | $1,301.58 | -$325.40 | -$114.80 | $861.39 | -$50.45 $810.94 | -$17.22 $844.17 | 7 | $1,353.65 | -$338.41 | -$119.39 | $895.84 | -$52.47 $843.38 | -$17.91 $877.93 | 8 | $1,407.79 | -$351.95 | -$124.17 | $931.68 | -$54.57 $877.11 | -$18.63 $913.05 | 9 | $1,464.10 | -$366.03 | -$129.13 | $968.94 | -$56.75 $912.19 | -$19.37 $949.57 | 10 | $1,522.67 | -$380.67 | -$134.30 | $1,007.70 | -$59.02 $948.68 | -$20.14 $987.56 | 11 | $1,583.57 | -$395.89 | -$139.67 | $1,048.01 | -$61.38 $986.63 | -$20.95 $1,027.06 | 12 | $1,646.92 | -$411.73 | -$145.26 | $1,089.93 | -$63.83 $1,026.10 | -$21.79 $1,068.14 | 13 | $1,712.79 | -$428.20 | -$151.07 | $1,133.53 | -$66.39 $1,067.14 | -$22.66 $1,110.87 | 14 | $1,781.31 | -$445.33 | -$157.11 | $1,178.87 | -$69.04 $1,109.82 | -$23.57 $1,155.30 | 15 | $1,852.56 | -$463.14 | -$163.40 | $1,226.02 | -$71.81 $1,154.22 | -$24.51 $1,201.51 | 16 | $1,926.66 | -$481.67 | -$169.93 | $1,275.06 | -$74.68 $1,200.39 | -$25.49 $1,249.57 | 17 | $2,003.73 | -$500.93 | -$176.73 | $1,326.07 | -$77.66 $1,248.40 | -$26.51 $1,299.56 | 18 | $2,083.88 | -$520.97 | -$183.80 | $1,379.11 | -$80.77 $1,298.34 | -$27.57 $1,351.54 | 19 | $2,167.23 | -$541.81 | -$191.15 | $1,434.27 | -$84.00 $1,350.27 | -$28.67 $1,405.60 | 20 | $2,253.92 | -$563.48 | -$198.80 | $1,491.64 | -$87.36 $1,404.28 | -$29.82 $1,461.82 | 21 | $2,344.08 | -$586.02 | -$206.75 | $1,551.31 | -$90.86 $1,460.45 | -$31.01 $1,520.30 | 22 | $2,437.84 | -$609.46 | -$215.02 | $1,613.36 | -$94.49 $1,518.87 | -$32.25 $1,581.11 | 23 | $2,535.35 | -$633.84 | -$223.62 | $1,677.90 | -$98.27 $1,579.63 | -$33.54 $1,644.35 | 24 | $2,636.77 | -$659.19 | -$232.56 | $1,745.01 | -$102.20 $1,642.81 | -$34.88 $1,710.13 | 25 | $2,742.24 | -$685.56 | -$241.87 | $1,814.81 | -$106.29 $1,708.52 | -$36.28 $1,778.53 | 26 | $2,851.93 | -$712.98 | -$251.54 | $1,887.41 | -$110.54 $1,776.86 | -$37.73 $1,849.67 | 27 | $2,966.00 | -$741.50 | -$261.60 | $1,962.90 | -$114.96 $1,847.94 | -$39.24 $1,923.66 | 28 | $3,084.64 | -$771.16 | -$272.07 | $2,041.42 | -$119.56 $1,921.86 | -$40.81 $2,000.61 | 29 | $3,208.03 | -$802.01 | -$282.95 | $2,123.07 | -$124.34 $1,998.73 | -$42.44 $2,080.63 | 30 | $3,336.35 | -$834.09 | -$294.27 | $2,208.00 | -$129.32 $2,078.68 | -$44.14 $2,163.86 |
Other Prizes With More Than $5,000.00 |
5 White Ball | 25% Federal Withholding | 8.82% State Withholding | Net Payment | $1,000,000.00 | -$250,000.00 | -$88,200.00 | $661,800.00 | 5 White Ball with PowerPlay | 25% Federal Withholding | 8.82% State Withholding | Net Payment | $2,000,000.00 | -$500,000.00 | -$176,400.00 | $1,323,600.00 | 4 White Ball Powerball | 25% Federal Withholding | 8.82% State Withholding | Net Payment | $10,000.00 | -$2,500.00 | -$882.00 | $6,618.00 | 4 White Ball Powerball with PowerPlay | 25% Federal Withholding | 8.82% State Withholding | Net Payment | $40,000.00 | -$10,000.00 | -$3,528.00 | $26,472.00 |
Past Prize Analysis for Sweet-Million- Sweet Million Jackpot Analysis for Wednesday, March 12th
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